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Protection of Personal Data

During orders, the personal data of a Buyer is collected and subject to computer processing.

The Seller ensures that customer data is processed in accordance with applicable laws and in a confidential manner. The recorded data is used, in particular, for order processing, the administration of Buyer's personal accounts, internal marketing studies, and the preparation of internal statistics. The purpose of data processing is to improve service quality, quality control, and market research.

The Buyer authorizes and consents to the Seller to:

  • Obtain or forward their recorded data to third parties to the extent necessary for the performance of a certain service (e.g., administration and management of personal accounts, payment monitoring, payment for goods from a supplier, use of a financial intermediary, etc.).
  • Communicate all data necessary for debt collection to a third party.

The Buyer can, at any time, limit or prohibit the use of their data by the Seller for marketing and advertising purposes.